TESSERACT’s evaluation framework and its use of MaMaDroid

In this blog post, we will describe and comment on TESSERACT, a system introduced in a paper to appear at USENIX Security 2019, and previously published as a pre-print. TESSERACT is a publicly available framework for the evaluation and comparison of systems based on statistical classifiers, with a particular focus on Android malware classification. The authors used DREBIN and our MaMaDroid paper as examples of this evaluation. Their choice is because these are two of the most important state-of-the-art papers, tackling the challenge from different angles, using different models, and different machine learning algorithms. Moreover, DREBIN has already been reproduced by researchers even though the code is not available anymore; MaMaDroid’s code is publicly available (the parsed data and the list of samples are available under request). I am one of MaMaDroid’s authors, and I am particularly interested in projects like TESSERACT. Therefore, I will go through this interesting framework and attempt to clarify a few misinterpretations made by the authors about MaMaDroid.

The need for evaluation frameworks

The information security community and, in particular, the systems part of it, feels that papers are often rejected based on questionable decisions or, on the other hand, that papers should be more rigorous, trying to respect certain important characteristics. Researchers from Dutch universities published a survey of papers published to top venues in 2010 and 2015 where they evaluated if these works were presenting “crimes” affecting completeness, relevancy, soundness, and reproducibility of the work. They have shown how the newest publications present more flaws. Even though the authors included their works in the analyzed ones and did not word the paper as a wall of shame by pointing the finger against specific articles, the paper has been seen as an attack to the community rather than an incitement to produce more complete papers. To the best of my knowledge, unfortunately, the paper has not yet been accepted for publication. TESSERACT is another example of researchers’ effort in trying to make the community work more rigorous: most system papers present accuracies that are close to 100% in all the tests done; however, when some of them have been tested on different datasets, their accuracy was worse than a coin toss.

These two works are part of a trend that I personally find important for our community, to allow works that are following other ones on the chronological aspects to be evaluated in a more fair way. I explain with a personal example: I recall when my supervisor told me that at the beginning he was not optimistic about MaMaDroid being accepted at the first attempt (NDSS 2017) because most of the previous literature shows results always over 98% accuracy and that gap of a few percentage points can be enough for some reviewers to reject. When we asked an opinion of a colleague about the paper, before we submitted it for peer-review, this was his comment on the ML part: “I actually think the ML part is super solid, and I’ve never seen a paper with so many experiments on this topic.” We can see completely different reactions over the same specific part of the work.


The goal of this post is to show TESSERACT’s potential while pointing out the small misinterpretations of MaMaDroid present in the current version of the paper. The authors contacted us to let us read the paper and see whether there has been any misinterpretation. I had a constructive meeting with the authors where we also had the opportunity to exchange opinions on the work. Following the TESSERACT description, there will be a section related to MaMaDroid’s misinterpretations in the paper. The authors told me that the newest versions would be updated according to what we discussed.

Continue reading TESSERACT’s evaluation framework and its use of MaMaDroid

An untapped resource to reproduce studies

Science is generally accepted to operate by conducting specially-designed structured observations (such as experiments and case studies) and then interpreting the results to build generalised knowledge (sometimes called theories or models). An important, nay necessary, feature of the social operation of science is transparency in the design, conduct, and interpretation of these structured observations. We’re going to work from the view that security research is science just like any other, though of course as its own discipline it has its own tools, topics, and challenges. This means that studies in security should be replicable, reproducible, or at least able to be corroborated. Spring and Hatleback argue that transparency is just as important for computer science as it is for experimental biology. Rossow et al. also persuasively argue that transparency is a key feature for malware research in particular. But how can we judge whether a paper is transparent enough? The natural answer would seem to be if it is possible to make a replication attempt from the materials and information in the paper. Forget how often the replications succeed for now, although we know that there are publication biases and other factors that mess with that.

So how many security papers published in major conferences contain enough information to attempt a reproduction? In short, we don’t know. From anecdotal evidence, Jono and a couple students looked through the IEEE S&P 2012 proceedings in 2013, and the results were pretty grim. But heroic effort from a few interested parties is not a sustainable answer to this question. We’re here to propose a slightly more robust solution. Master’s students in security should attempt to reproduce published papers as their capstone thesis work. This has several benefits, and several challenges. In the following we hope to convince you that the challenges can be mitigated and the benefits are worth it.

This should be a choice, but one that master’s students should want to make. If anyone has a great new idea to pursue, they should be encouraged to do so. However, here in the UK, the dissertation process is compressed into the summer and there’s not always time to prototype and pilot study designs. Selecting a paper to reproduce, with a documented methodology in place, lets the student get to work faster. There is still a start-up cost; students will likely have to read several abstracts to shortlist a few workable papers, and then read these few papers in detail to select a good candidate. But learning to read, shortlist, and study academic papers is an important skill that all master’s students should be attempting to, well, master. This style of project would provide them with an opportunity to practice these skills.

Briefly, let’s be clear what we mean by reproduction of published work.
Reproduction isn’t just one thing. There’s reproduce and replicate and corroborate and controlled variation (see Feitelson for details). Not everything is amenable to reproduction. For example, case studies (such as attack papers) or natural experiments are often interesting because they are unique. Corroborating some aspect of the case may be possible with a new study, and such study is also valuable. But this not the sort of reproduction we have in mind to advocate here.

Continue reading An untapped resource to reproduce studies

MAMADROID: Detecting Android Malware by Building Markov Chains of Behavioral Models

Now making up 85% of mobile devices, Android smartphones have become profitable targets for cybercriminals, allowing them to bypass two factor authentication or steal sensitive information such as credit cards details or login credentials.

Smartphones have limited battery and memory available, therefore, the defences that can be deployed on them have limitations. For these reasons, malware detection is usually performed in a centralised fashion by Android market operators. As previous work and even recent news have shown, however, even Google Play Store is not able to detect all malicious apps; to make things even worse, there are countries in which Google Play Store is blocked. This forces users to resort to third party markets, which are usually performing less careful malware checks.

Previous malware detection studies focused on models based on permissions or on specific API calls. While the first method is prone to false positives, the latter needs constant retraining, because apps as well as the Android framework itself are constantly changing.

Our intuition is that, while malicious and benign apps may call the same API calls during their execution, the reason why those calls are made may be different, resulting in them being called in a different order. For this reason, we decided to rely on sequences of calls that, as explained later, we abstract to higher level for performance, feasibility, and robustness reasons. To implement this idea we created MaMaDroid, a system for Android malware detection.


MaMaDroid is built by combining four different phases:

  • Call graph extraction: starting from the apk file of an app, we extract the call graph of the analysed sample.
  • Sequence extraction: from the call graph, we extract the different potential paths as sequences of API calls and abstract all those calls to higher levels.
  • Markov Chain modelling: all the samples got their sequences of abstracted calls, and these sequences can be modelled as transitions among states of a Markov Chain.
  • Classification: Given the probabilities of transition between states of the chains as features set, we apply machine learning to detect malicious apps.
Four phases of MaMaDroid

Call graph extraction

MaMaDroid is a system based only on static analysis. To analyse the app, we use off-the-shelf tools, such as Soot and FlowDroid for the first step of the system.

Sequence Extraction

Taking the call graph as input, we extract the sequences of functions potentially called by the program and, by identifying the set of entry nodes, enumerate all the possible paths and output them as sequences of API calls.

Example call graph in which we can observe 3 different potential paths, or sequences, starting from the root node

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